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About Us

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Who We Are

At Hobble Creek Coffee, coffee starts at the farm. Working with our Importers to source beans which follows as many of our core tenants as possible and deliver them to your door. While our operation does not hold the following certifications, we source Fair trade, Bird friendly, Rain forest Certified, and Organic beans.

Mitchell and Conchita Cline have worked in the hospitality and restaurant business since 1984. Through the years they have refined their tastes and knowledge of quality living; Eat good, do right to others and be a good steward to your environment. Mitchell attended culinary school in 1990 and traveled across the Americas cooking from fine dining establishments to motion pictures sets. Conchita has cooked in many large hotel establishments as well as brining her ethnic specialties to the table. While visiting her home in Tehuacán, Puebla, the two met a real estate professional who took them on a tour of his family’s Coffee plantation in Chiapas, Mexico, where the Clines caught the first insight into their new future. Once home in Springville, Utah, the couple researched coffee and launched their business Hobble Creek Coffee in 2016.

USDA Organic

The term “organic” is strictly regulated by the Department of Agriculture. In the case of coffee farms, this seal means synthetic fertilizers and synthetic pesticides that can be harmful to farmers and to wildlife are banned. The label also ensures that soil quality is protected.

Bird Friendly Habitat

This seal certifies that the farm where the coffee was grown qualifies as a “bird friendly habitat” as defined by the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center. It means that coffee carrying this seal not only is organic but also was grown in an environment that protected biodiversity and maintained native trees so that the coffee farm could remain an important habitat for birds and other wildlife.


This seal indicates that the beans were sourced directly from small-scale farmers who were paid a fair price. The certification organization, Fairtrade International, sets a minimum price—enough to cover the costs of sustainable production—that must be paid directly to coffee producers. A premium added to the minimum price is distributed to coffee producers and must be invested in their communities or businesses.

Fair Trade Certified

Unlike Fairtrade, this label does not indicate that the coffee was purchased directly from small-scale farmers. The beans can be grown on large coffee plantations, but these farms must meet certain standards, including protecting farmworkers from unsafe working conditions. Farms must also pay workers at least the local minimum wage and implement a plan to increase that to a living wage over time.

Rainforest Alliance Certified

This seal means that some or all the coffee in the bag is sourced from farms that have met standards aimed at promoting sustainability and protecting farmers, forests, wildlife, and local communities. But Rainforest Alliance standards for minimizing pesticide use and incorporating native trees are not as stringent as those behind the Bird Friendly Habitat designation.

our Coffee specialists

Meet Our Team

Mitch Cline
Mitch Cline
Conchita Cline
Conchita Cline

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